Dennis Kelley

“I have been fortunate to be able to work with some great companies and people.  Being able to teach the importance of operating within a system that continuously improves in every aspect of the business is very rewarding.  Doing so has led me to the most important thing that drives me to do this work, […]

Bob Morin

“Bringing a team together and watching them build confidence while problem-solving solutions is extremely rewarding… this has always been so satisfying and continues to drive me. When we start seeing waste as the enemy, we begin to foster a consciousness of continuous improvement.” 01 Industry Experience Consumer Products Aerospace & Defense Medical Device Industrial Products […]

Applying Lean Construction Methodology to Ship Repair Reduces Delays and Overages

Overview An executive, having previous success with Competitive Business Solutions (CBS), once again engaged our team to provide support for a repair shipyard. Before our arrival, a corporate team had conducted a large Root Cause Corrective Action (RCCA) event in response to the site’s poor performance of contracted repairs. This was evidenced by significant cost […]

Tim Mason

“As a long-time Operations Manager, Lean Expert, and Consultant, I have learned that there is opportunity for improvement in every aspect of business. I have been fortunate to be able to provide leadership, coaching, and mentoring for hundreds of companies that were seeking a competitive advantage in their industry.”  01 Industry Experience Aerospace & Defense  […]

Rapid Modeling Reveals Gaps in Supply Chain

A CBS client machines complex engine components for commercial and military jet engines. This facility supplies critical-path final assembly parts and aftermarket spares inventories for worldwide distribution centers.

CBS Engages with Client for a Quick Four-week Return on Its Investment

A CBS client manufactures engineered-to-order, low volume, heavy steel fabrication and welded products with high delivery demands from its customers. The company was under severe cost pressures as profitability and cash flow were not achieving expected results. The client consistently missed labor estimates even though time observations indicated they were attainable. In addition, the client consistently experienced material cost overruns because key components or requirements were omitted during the estimating/quoting process.

Contract Demand ≠ Work Cell Capability

An electronics/defense organization located in Camden, NJ, was struggling to meet increasing customer demand. The client was the sole source for a critical classified component, and pressure to increase production throughput caused leaders to contact Competitive Business Solutions (CBS) to help solve the issue.

Joseph W. Devine

“CBS has the vision, passion and experience to bring solutions to healthcare in a way that is much more personal and intimate than other consulting firms. Healthcare is at a critical point and I’m thrilled to be able to work with executives and their organizations to define and support the strategies needed to be successful […]

Developing Client Learning Platform or Lean Six Sigma Blended Learning Program Delivers Results

At the time of engagement, the client lacked a comprehensive training strategy around their continuous improvement (CI) activities and wanted a training solution that would create a common language and approach for their team. After reviewing many different approaches and solutions, CBS introduced a blended learning model to develop lean Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt practitioners across the client’s organization.

CBS Visual Management and Control System Enables Client to Manage Real Time

A CBS client manufactures extremely complex and high tolerance product while operating in a very competitive market with high delivery demands from its customers. In this case, the company was under severe cost pressures as profitability and cash flow were not meeting corporate expectations. Additionally, their customers’ volumes were increasing, and they were not able to keep up.