Surviving the Tsunami of Labor Shortages

July 6, 2023 | by Keith Yeater

A nationwide dilemma, labor shortage problems continue to roar across the country with the impact of a destructive tsunami. The issue is indiscriminate and plays no favorites. An important study by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce indicates that, even if every unemployed person with experience in the durable goods manufacturing industry were employed, only 65% of the vacant jobs would be filled. However, the manufacturing field is not alone in this predicament. Wholesale and retail trade, education and health services, hospitality and restaurant businesses — all are experiencing multiple unfilled job openings.


Labor Shortages Present Opportunities

A VinePair podcast, aired during August of this year, discussed the restaurant industry’s labor shortage — “Are There Any Solutions to the Restaurant Industry’s Labor Shortage?” The episode’s hosts raised the question, has the labor pool actually shrunk or do more restaurants need to rethink their service models? (VinePair is the largest digital media company delivering content about important trends and trade shows across the beer, wine and spirits landscape.)

At Competitive Business Solutions, we understand labor shortage worries are a real problem — one that is overwhelming for management diligently searching for answers. It is a pressing concern for a variety of our clients.

The real question is, where does the recognition of this problem bring us? And — more importantly — where are the answers?

At CBS, our research shows the time is now to retool, recalibrate and regenerate the status quo in the manufacturing industry. The discussion about labor shortages must, and can, morph from a topic of concern to a new conversation — a data-driven discourse is necessary to embrace genuine management concern not as a negative but as a catalyst of positive change.

Scottish-born scientist Alexander Graham Bell, who patented the first telephone, also experienced his share of setbacks. He is credited with saying, “When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”

Our consultants have years of experience in the development of hands-on skills to identify performance issues like labor shortages and other challenges facing companies today. More importantly, we have the know-how to create doable, proven solutions not found behind closed doors.


CBS Success Story

More than just words, CBS has boots-on-the-ground experience. Recently, after a private equity client of CBS acquired a new company, we were asked to help improve the operational efficiency and productivity of their latest addition. True to form, our CBS consultant actively engaged the new company’s management and learned they were looking to fill four open positions; he advised them to put a hold on hiring, which they did.

It was time to move forward, and CBS diligently worked alongside the acquired company’s team to develop a plan of success utilizing Lean and Six Sigma principles — a set of techniques and tools for process improvement. Production cells were created, work was balanced between operators and, ultimately, a visual management system was implemented.

The result?

Engaging these steps brought about a 30% reduction in labor. The need to hire was eliminated and additional work from sister facilities was brought in to utilize their gains in productivity.

We call that a win for our clients.

CBS was able to help the struggling company put in place an exciting lean and sustainable operating system, remove hiring stress and provide their management team with new skills to successfully operate the company.


Ready for a Solution?

Are you ready to find a solution for your labor shortage? We are! Let’s talk about our unique approach to business improvement and how our industry-specific expertise achieves meaningful and lasting results. Our hallmark is to work with you and not for you. CBS is ready to walk with you through a new door.

To start the process, click here, and select the red ‘Get Started’ button.


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