Operational Excellence
Developing Client Learning Platform or Lean Six Sigma Blended Learning Program Delivers Results
SOLUTION: Training, Operational Excellence
At the time of engagement, the client lacked a comprehensive training strategy around their continuous improvement (CI) activities and wanted a training solution that would create a common language and approach for their team. After reviewing many different approaches and solutions, CBS introduced a blended learning model to develop lean Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt practitioners across the client’s organization.
Read MoreOpening the Flow of the Emergency Department
SOLUTION: Operational Excellence
Leadership in a medium-size Central California hospital found themselves in a situation where patients were arriving to a hectic and congested waiting room with wait times exceeding 3 hours. This was not only dangerous for the patients, but it also damaged the reputation of the hospital within the community. The hospital leadership team determined that something needed to change quickly for the improvement of patient care.
Read MoreThe most dangerous phrase in today’s manufacturing—“We Leaned it out.”
SOLUTION AREA:Operational Excellence
As many of us already know, Lean is a term that depicts broad concepts within world class operations developed by Toyota following WWII. Over the past two decades, I’ve often heard leaders from different industries describe their successes by stating something along the lines of: We’ve Leaned out our factories. It’s a phrase that seems benign, yet it’s one of the most dangerous phrases a leader can use. Why? What’s wrong with this phrase?
Read MoreThe Best Expertise to Drive Improvements for Private Equity Companies
Managing Manufacturing Operations Remotely
SOLUTION AREA: Change Management and Leadership
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted nearly every facet of our lives, particularly, our work lives. Keeping operations “up and running” is a concern for almost every business across the country. The pandemic has forced most businesses to determine which roles can be done remotely and which need to be done on-site. For manufacturing businesses, this results in tough questions…
Read MoreSurgical Start Time Reliability: A Study in Improving Profit and Customer Satisfaction
SOLUTION: Operational Excellence
After listening to patients and their loved ones’ complaints of having to wait well past their scheduled surgery times and considering the hospital’s rising overtime costs, Salina Regional Health Center leveraged their Lean Six Sigma training, the nurses, the managers and the entire surgical unit to help solve both problems. Using proven problem-solving tools, the surgical team identified the main causes of delays and implemented countermeasures that significantly improved both issues.
Read More7-minute Huddle Improves Patient Care and Employee Satisfaction
SOLUTION: Operational Excellence
The ICU at Salina Regional Health Center was experiencing low employee morale and significant daily overtime due to the extensive monitoring needs of the patients along with the way the mandatory shift transfer meetings were occurring at the end of each shift. For the ICU to run effectively, hospital leadership decided that a Lean Six Sigma project was warranted to improve both areas.
Read MoreCBS Visual Management and Control System Enables Client to Manage Real Time
CLIENT INDUSTRY: Industrial Manufacturing
SOLUTION: Operational Excellence
A CBS client manufactures extremely complex and high tolerance product while operating in a very competitive market with high delivery demands from its customers. In this case, the company was under severe cost pressures as profitability and cash flow were not meeting corporate expectations. Additionally, their customers’ volumes were increasing, and they were not able to keep up.
Read MoreFinding the ‘Right’ Transformational Leader
SOLUTION AREA: Change Management and Leadership
Organizational success during significant change is dependent on several factors. Assigning the ‘right’ leader to drive that change is one of the most critical factors. Transformational leaders must have the ideal mix of competencies in leadership and business.
Read on to find out the key components that can help ensure successful change.
Read MoreTransitioning Change Managers to Change Leaders
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